The Quick Daf
The Quick Daf has revolutionized Daf Yomi the way we know it. Unlike any shiur of its kind, The Quick Daf caters to all learning styles as every word and pasuk is translated and explained and the basic background of the gemara/sugya is clarified. Furthermore, it is easy to follow The Quick Daf as the gemara is depicted and expounded upon in our unique trademark fashion: quick, clear and concise. Our high-quality recordings provide a pleasant listening experience and the quick pace enables you to be up-to-date on the Daf with ease. The Quick Daf has quickly become the choice shiur for people in over 2,200 cities throughout the world spanning 57 countries.
by R' Zecharia Resnik

ABOUT The MagGid SHiur
R' Zecharia Resnik has been living in Israel since 2007. He spends his days learning in a local Halacha kollel in Yerushalayim, where he lives with his wife and five children. At times when Zecharia isn't in kollel [or preparing the Daf!], he is involved in speaking engagements and numerous chesed projects in and around the neighborhood.